Everything for the manufacture of high quality leather

We are what you are looking for

Give us a call

About us

Personalized Attention

The Anas Trading S.L company was founded in the year 2000 to supply the market with chemical products for tanneries, as well as machinery, accessories and services.

Our aim is to provide personalized attention adapted to the requirements of each and every client, guaranteeing
excellent service and absolute confidentiality.

What do we offer?

Wet Blue/Crust

Wet blue bovine hides of diverse origins and crust in different colours, thickness and degrees of softness for footwear and leather goods manufactured with our range of chemical products.

Products for beamhouse

Our laboratory develops the most effective and organic processes for each manufacturing method. We offer a wide range of products, and all at a highly competitive price.

Tanning and Retanning Agents

A complete range of retanning agents, including the most innovative, for the production of all types of leather for footwear, leather goods, upholstery and clothing.

Greasing Agents

We supply all types of oils and greasing agents, as well those for waterproofing.

Technical Service

Customized guidance for each tannery for solving any manufacturing issue and the development of leather articles.

Industrial Products

Technical chemical products, including basic, suitable for use in many different manufacturing processes across innumerable and many-varied activities.


Nuestro equipo directivo tiene larga experiencia en el sector del curtido y todo su proceso de fabricación.

0 %
Employee Owned
Project in various industries
With nearly 20 years in business

Let us help you to make high quality tanned leather

Mètode GEFarmàcia

Potenciar la Farmàcia

El mètode GEFarmàcia consisteix en potenciar la Farmàcia de manera sòlida i sostinguda.

Maximitzem els resultats de la Farmàcia a través d’una visió global de l’organització de la mateixa, on la integració i el bon funcionament de totes les parts és essencial per oferir un excel·lent servei.

Treballem amb els principals majoristes i establim relacions que permeten obtenir grans resultats amb els laboratoris més destacats.

Millorem els resultats, augmentem el grau de satisfacció dels pacients i generem un bon ambient de treball. Basem l’estructura de la nostra Farmàcia en una atenció farmacèutica d’alta qualitat.

Coneixem al nostre equip


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